2010年3月5日 星期五

[完全攻略]在台灣線上申請申請澳洲Working Holiday簽證 2010 Feb

申請第一次Working Holiday Visa的資格:
申請簽證申請時, 人須身處澳洲境外, 需年滿18歲, 未滿31歲
申請科目為417 (Subclass 417)

澳洲打工度假簽證的相關規定 (中文)

不囉唆, 馬上進入申請教學
1. 中華民國護照 (建議最好還有一年以上的期限)
2. 信用卡 (用來支付簽證費用230澳幣, 台幣約7000以內)
3. 中文地址英譯 (郵局線上英譯服務)
4. 基本英文閱讀能力 (或會用Google翻譯)

澳洲政府網站有點小複雜, 點我直接進入申請簽證
如果擔心這是網路釣魚的假連結, 那就照下面的方式吧
1. 進入澳洲政府的Subclass417的頁面
找到這段 Start your online application
點下面的連結: Online Applications - Working Holiday Visa
找到這段 Applications for Working Holiday visa (Subclass 417)
點下面的連結: First Working Holiday visa
換頁之後有個Start your application的連結, 就可以開始申請了

Terms and Conditions acceptance
按下"I have read and agree to the terms and conditions"
表示我以閱讀並同意相關規定 進入下一個頁面

Life in Australia - Australian Values
It is also important to understand that English is the national language.
不過別擔心, 申請Working Holiday Visa並不要求你的英文能力 !!

Your personal details 你的個人資料
部分要填寫的資料護照上有, 輸入時請注意需與護照上一致

Enter the following details exactly as they appear in your passport. 輸入你護照上的詳細資料
Family name 姓氏
Given names 名字
Sex 性別 (男:Male, 女:Female)
Date of birth 生日 (日/月/年)
Relationship status 婚姻狀況 (小弟我未婚)
Divorced 離婚
Engaged 訂婚
De Facto 同居但未登記
Married 已婚
Never Married 未婚
Separated 分居
Widowed 喪偶

Your place of birth 出生地
Town/City 城市
Country 國家 (TAIWAN)
Your country of residence 台灣居住地
Select your country of usual residence from the list provided. You will be asked later in this application to provide your full residential address in this country.選擇你主要居住的國家, 後面你將提供詳細地址
Country of residence 居住國家 (TAIWAN)

Your passport details 護照詳細資料
Provide details of the passport that you will use to enter Australia. Enter these details exactly as they appear in your passport. 提供護照上的詳細資料以便進入澳洲, 確實輸入護照上的詳細資料
Passport number 護照號碼
Country of passport 護照國家 (TAIWAN)
Nationality of passport holder 護照持有人國籍 (TAIWAN)
Passport date of issue 發照日期 (日/月/年)
Passport date of expiry 有效期限 (日/月/年)
Passport place of issue/
issuing authority 發照地/發照機關
It is strongly recommended that the passport be valid for at least 6 months.
Warning: 警告
If you do not enter your passport details correctly, you may be refused or delayed entry into Australia until your identity and claims to enter Australia have been checked. Please note that documents such as national identity cards are not acceptable for Australia visa applications. Please only enter your passport number.

When do you propose to enter Australia using the visa that you are applying for now?
Do you have any dependent children?
No Yes 你有小孩要養嗎? (如果你跟我一樣沒有, 就選No)
Are you known by any other names? (This includes names before marriage.)
No Yes 你有其他名字嗎? (包含結婚前的名字) (如果你跟我一樣沒有, 就選No)
Do you hold any other citizenship than that shown as your Passport Country above?
No Yes 你持有其他國籍的護照嗎? (如果你跟我一樣沒有, 就選No)

Critical data confirmation 主要資料確認
如果你跟我一樣英文不好, 仔細檢查有沒有輸入錯誤, 如果申請完發現有錯要改要寫信去更正, 更慘的還會卡在澳洲的機場進不去>_<, 確認無誤後選YES, 按下NEXT繼續申請

Your personal details (continued) 你的個人資料(續)
What is your usual occupation? 你的職業? 填個大概就好了, 我是填Programer
What industry do you intend to seek employment in? 你打算從事甚麼行業? 我是選Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing 農林漁業
Industry 工業
Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing 農林漁業
Mining 礦業
Manufacturing 製造業
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 電機, 煤氣與水利
Arts and Recreational Service 藝術與娛樂服務
Construction 營建業
Wholesale Trade 批發貿易
Retail Trade 零售貿易
Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants 餐飲與飯店業
Transport and Storage 運輸與倉儲業
Communication Services 通訊服務
Finance and Insurance 金融保險業
Property and Business Services 房地產
Government Administrator and Defence 政府管理與國防
Education 教育
Health and Community Services 衛生和社區服務
Cultural and Recreational Services 休閒娛樂
Personal and Other Services 個人及其他服務
Other Services 其他

What is your highest qualification? 最高學歷?
Qualification (這個我不確定, 我猜是指持有醫師律師會計師證書之類的)
Higher Degree Course (這個我不確定, 我猜是指碩士或碩士以上)
Degree Course (這個我不確定, 應該是指大學同等)
Technical or Training Certificate 專科
College Degree 學士學位
Senior High School Degree or Certificate 高中或同等學歷
Junior High School Degree, Certificate or Report 國中或同等學歷
Other 其他


Residential address details 詳細地址

Give details of the residential address in your home country.
Address 地址 請輸入英文地址

Suburb/Town 鄉/鎮/市/區
State or Province 縣/市
Postcode 郵遞區號
Country TAIWAN
Your contact telephone numbers 你的連絡電話
Home phone 住家電話, 國碼(區碼)電話號碼 EX: (02)12345678 = +886(2)12345678 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +886(2)12345678 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Work phone 公司電話, 國碼(區碼)電話號碼 EX: (02)12345678 = +886(2)12345678
Mobile phone 行動電話, EX: 0912345678 = +886912345678

Authorisation 授權聲明
Do you want to authorise another person to act and/or receive communication about this application on your behalf? This includes authorising the Department to send that person any communication, documents or notifications relating to the application that would otherwise have been sent to you.
你是否授權給其它人申辦? 我是自己申辦, 所以我選NO

Contact details 詳細聯絡資訊
Give details of your current postal address. If your postal address is different, please amend the following details.
Family name 姓氏
Given names 名字
Address 地址
Suburb/Town 鄉/鎮/市/區
State or Province 縣/市
Postcode 郵遞區號
Country TAIWAN

Communicating with you 與你聯絡
We can communicate about the application more quickly using e-mail. Do you agree to this Department communicating with you via e-mail? If you select yes to this question your email address and mobile phone number may be provided to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for use in advising you of seasonal work opportunities in Australia.
較快的方式是用E-mail, 你同意用E-mail跟你聯絡嗎?
No / Yes
Yes>enter your e-mail address
No> all communication will be sent to the above contact address. This may result in delays in receiving communication about your application.
不同意>全部申請資料會郵寄到你的通訊地址, 這會導致申請作業較慢
我是選YES啦, 上面都說得這麼清楚了

Communicating with this Department 與本處連絡
In the course of deciding this application, we may need you to attend an Australian Government office for an interview. If this occurs, which office would you prefer to go to?
如果有需要, 你必須親自到澳大利亞辦事處, 你方便到那個辦公室?
(你在台灣的話, 其實也只有台北Taipei能選而已, 沒事也不會叫你去面試)

Health declarations 健康聲明
如果你跟我一樣每年做健康檢查, 且沒有任何重大疾病, 或許你會跟我一樣通通選 NO
有興趣可以一個個用Google翻譯去看他在問什麼, 其實很像壽險的健康問卷啦

In the last five (5) years, have you visited or lived outside TAIWAN for more than three (3) consecutive months (not including Australia)? NO / YES
過去五年中你有離開台灣超過三個月嗎(不含澳洲)? 我是只有去過日本八天而已, 所以我也是選NO

Character declarations 品德宣告
如果你跟我一樣是好人一個, 從來沒有被抓進去關過, 可以稱作是"良民", 並且當兵是當"不願役"而不是志願役, 或是不用當兵, 或許你會跟我一樣通通選 NO
有興趣可以一個個用Google翻譯去看他在問什麼, 就是問一些你有沒有犯罪, 意圖犯罪, 或精神異常等等的問題, 如果你選了YES, 最好還是附加說明一下

Declaration 宣告
I certify that: 我擔保以下屬實

I have read and understand the information provided to me at the beginning of application, I am aware of the conditions that will apply to my visa and that I am required to abide by them.
我已經閱讀並瞭解相關法令 > YES

I am a resident of TAIWAN and I certify that I am lodging this visa application from TAIWAN.
我的居住地是TAIWAN, 並且在TAIWAN申請簽證 > YES

I understand that the visa I am applying for does not permit me to be employed in Australia with one employer for more than 6 months.
我瞭解我所申請的簽證不允許我被同一澳洲僱主聘用六個月以上 > YES

I understand that the visa I am applying for does not permit me to undertake studies or training for more than 4 months.
我瞭解我所申請的簽證不允許我在學校上課4個月以上 > YES

I have sufficient funds for the initial period of my stay in Australia and for the fare to my intended overseas destination on leaving Australia.
我已經準備足夠的錢應付在澳洲的開銷及離開澳洲 > YES

Any employment is incidental to my holiday in Australia and the purpose of working is to supplement my holiday funds.
在澳洲工作的目的只是應付我在澳洲的開銷並支付我在澳洲的旅費 > YES

I am applying for a Working Holiday visa for the first time and have not previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday visa (on a passport of any country) .
我第一次申請打工度假簽證並從未持度假簽證入境澳洲 > YES

I will respect Australian values as listed at the beginning of this application, during my stay in Australia and will obey the laws of Australia.
我會接受澳洲的價值觀, 並遵守澳洲的法律 > YES

I have truthfully declared all relevant details required of me in this application.
我已如實申報有關的細節 > YES

If granted a visa, I will advise the Australian Government of any change in my circumstances.
如果獲得簽證,我將會告知澳洲政府我情況的任何異動, > YES (指連絡方式等等)

Save an Application 儲存申請進度
輸入一個標籤讓你自己知道你在申請甚麼, 輸入WHV就好了

Saving visa application 儲存簽證申請
設定一組自己的密碼, 輸入兩次就可以了, 以後要查訊申請進度用的

Saved application information 已存申請的資訊
Saved Application ID 這一欄顯示的是你這次申請的代碼, 搭配前面設定的密碼作使用

Payment Detial 繳款資訊
Type of credit card 信用卡類別 (看圖選就可以了)
Credit card number 信用卡卡號
Expiry date 有效日期 (月/年)
Name on credit card 卡片持有人姓名 (我是輸入卡片的英文名子)
Payment amount AUD
(Australian dollar) 費用(澳幣) 230澳幣 2010.1.1漲價了, 去年只要195AUD
填完檢查一下有沒有打錯, 按下Sulmit application等待出現Successed就代表扣款成功了
台幣6430+132 = 6562元, 我當天的匯率大約是27.9台幣換1澳幣

後面還有個Online Health要填, 不過我已經叫不出那個頁面了
主要是健康問卷, 填完後表示你只要要你選一間醫院做體檢跟照X光就好了, 如果是顯示代碼502 - Chest x-ray examination, 主要就照個胸部X光就好了, 記得要把這張印出來, 然後打電話去預約, 體檢的時候帶這張表格跟兩張大頭照
據說台北的中山醫院費用是台幣900, 其他都是1000, 看各人方便了, 我是去中山醫院體檢啦, 直接到3樓有寫澳洲簽證體檢那間進去就好了, 不過感覺很隨便, 護士幫我照個大頭照就叫我去照X光, X光片清楚沒問題就可以離開了...沒意外的話幾天後就會有Working Holiday Visa的消息了!! 同常申請到拿到簽證約一個星期以內 :D

2 意見:

Unknown 提到...

請問我現在人在國外,簽證表格中有一項目"In the last five (5) years, have you visited or lived outside TAIWAN for more than three (3) consecutive months (not including Australia)? NO / YES"

我會在國外待到2017年2月底, 我回答YES,必須提供詳細的日期,但表格無法提供未來日期,請問這項目的問題我該如何回答呢?

Unknown 提到...